Saturday, August 30, 2008

And the video.....

The video isn't going to be posted right now. It was taking too long and I'm tired.

Finally moved....

So, today was the big day. Sheree and I (with the help of our really good friends, Josh and Elaine) we were able to move back down to Grants Pass. Yesterday, (with the help of more really good friends--Ricky, Mylee, Peyton, and Meredith) we packed up the U-Haul, the truck, and the car to the max. I will be back up in Beav-town Sunday night through Thursday morning cleaning and getting the house ready so we can get our deposit back. So, if anyone needs to get a hold of me, I'll be able to get calls.

So, because of the move, I haven't been able to post for a while, and I have been getting a lot of slack for it by everyone. I'm sorry I packed the cords! Go figure. Well here are some pictures and I think one movie (I'm not sure). So sorry bout the wait.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby's Firsts!

So, since we have been home (that being since Tuesday), Arya had a few firsts.

1. First bath.

2. First time in crib.

3. First time sitting in her chair.

4. First nap with Mommy and Puck.
(Go figure)
5. First time in bassinet
(which my mother-in-law so perfectly grab from our neighbors across the street)
6. First nap in the Boppie!

So the theme of the "Firsts" as you can tell is sleeping!!! She has been doing a ton of that. Just last night, she slept for 5 hours! Sheree and I were happy to say in the least. But don't get me wrong, she likes crying too!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


So today, Nick, Meredith, Ricky, Mylee, and Peyton all came by to visit Sheree, Arya, and me. It was real nice of them all to come, especially since they all come from so far. That's the problem with living in Beaverton. They had brought us pizza, which was awesome, and soda. Thank you guys for making the trip out to see us. We all really appreciate it soooo much.

After they had left, my boss and his wife, Mark and Debbie Taylor, came by for a visit. They brought with them a very "cute" outfit. Sheree really liked it.

I wanted to thank everyone for all their support. Everyone has gone above the call of duty in our time of need. To all our friends--Josh, Elaine, Nick, Meredith, Ricky, Mylee, Aaron, Amanda, Tim, Tony, Jesse--to all my peeps at FMJ--Ericka, Sarah, Dina, Trena, and Mark--thank you!


So Sheree is able to have solid food now! Because of the condition of the preclampsia Sheree had, she had to have a magnesium treatment, but that also means no solid foods--only clear liquids. It's her first solid food in 3 days, which is awesome! YEA!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Slideshow-somewhere else

So far I haven't figured out how to do the slideshow. This is the closest I could get. Just click the link above and it will take you to one. I'll keep working on it tomorrow, but right now I am going to take a cue from my baby and my wife and go to sleep.

This is new!

So, alot has happened today. I have started a new blog for my family. We have received over 150 phone calls in the last 48 hours, and the most important thing of all is that our daughter, Arya Faye Mathews, was born at 4:57 am today (08-09-08) weighing in at 8 lbs and 9 oz and measuring in at 21 inches.